Upcoming Events

Beginner's Photography Class

Beginner's Photography Class

Sunday 23 February
Spring Garden Road, Halifax - 1pm - 3 Hours
Ramona Wisher
Ready to learn more about your camera and get out of automatic exposure? Now is your chance!

Join us as we break down your camera to help you learn about shutter speed, aperture, ISO and how these settings affect your exposure.

We will then put your new knowledge to the test with the guidance of a professional photographer.
book now
$105       5 places left
Shooting in Manual Mode Class

Shooting in Manual Mode Class

Sunday 09 March
Spring Garden Road - 2pm - 3 Hours
Ramona Wisher
This class is for anyone looking to switch their camera mode from Auto to Manual and learn how to shoot using the Manual Mode. The goal is to help everyone become more confident when using their camera settings. We will touch on essential camera functions and the exposure triangle: Shutter Speed, Aperture, and ISO.
book now
$105       5 places left
Come along to our photo sessions to dust off your camera and get snap-happy with a professional photography instructor.

Brush up on your camera skills and learn new photography techniques whilst on a photo walk class with other local keen photographers!

We run two hour photography sessions based on a photography theme/technique/style and they take place in various locations in Halifax.

  • New to photography? We also run a popular 3 hour Beginners Guide to Photography Class once a month. And once in a while we will run special niche 3 hour classes, for example, Astrophotography - so do subscribe to our newsletter to know when the next on is!

  • Who can attend? Open to all skill levels, from beginners to keen amateurs. The photography instructor is there to help you with camera settings and provide any advice you need.

  • What to bring? We recommend bringing a camera that has full manual mode or semi-manual modes (Aperture or Shutter Priority). Compact cameras and smartphones also welcome!

    The meeting point and full details for the day are sent in the booking confirmation email to the email address you provide at time of booking.

    Join the Halifax Photography Group on Facebook to share your photos after the session.

    Got a question? Try our FAQ.
    I like these events; they are getting more relaxed as we get to know each other and that we can share our own experiences. As always, Ramona, great job.
    Great experience. Ramona was excellent
    What I enjoy about these events (this is my 3rd one) is the challenges. Ramona does a good job of developing the challenges and they force you to look at things in a different way. If you practice this, in the long run it will make you a better photographer.

    I liked being given the prompts, it gave the walk a direction and a focus. Ramona was approachable and was happy to answer my questions.
    I really liked that we were asked to take many photos and have been given tasks
    Love it. Don't try to fix something that's not broken.

    Another great event, a well chosen location, a beautiful day and very appropriate exercises that challenge you and helped you learn. Ramona does a great job on leading the event. I look forward to the next one.
    Small group size, relaxed atmosphere and a sharing of information. Ramona great job as always.
    Good, having Ramona's suggestions helped me realise my "things to work on".

    It was a lot of fun and the exercises were interesting and really made you look at things differently. Ramona was a good leader and gave instructions.
    The event was very good. Everyone in the group had something to offer through their own experiences. Yes I would recommend this anyone. 5stars for Ramona also.
    Enjoyed the morning, topics were very well covered, and increased my knowledge. Very good job Ramona!

    Ramona Wisher
    Halifax local. Graduated from NSCAD University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a Major in Film, Minor in Photography.

    Ramona Wisher is available for private bookings

    Halifax Photography Group
    Title or Location: Point Pleasant Park, Halifax
    This photo was captured at the Point Pleasant Park in November and I used my Canon RP 24-70mm lens.
    Credit: Roshan Aruna

    Halifax Photography Group
    Title or Location: Main Street, Wolfville Nova Scotia
    We attended a football game in Wolfville with our son, who was refereeing. While waiting for him to start, we walked along Main Street and noticed an attractive building that caught my attention, and I took a picture of it.
    Credit: Vincent Zayas
    Halifax Photography Group
    Title or Location: Peggy's Cove
    Picture was taken first of October while in Peggy's Cove, just losing the dsylitd but a dramatic sky
    Credit: Anne Marie

    Halifax Photography Group
    Title or Location: Halls Harbour, Nova Scotia
    See previous submission.
    Credit: Darren Lightfoot
    Instagram: BelleBoudoirPhoto

    Halifax Photography Group
    Title or Location: Shubie Park Trail walk
    It was my birthday so we visited the park for fun and it was spring so there were lots of plants coming back to life after winter. And on that day the temp was 23 degrees which is rare in Nova scotia. So i decided to capture this shot against the sun to show how the life is coming back in the presence of sun. Sun = Life.
    Credit: Parth Rathod (Creatifx Studios)
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/creatifxstudios?igsh=MW8zaGF3dmQ2bGZmbA==
    Halifax Photography Group
    Title or Location: Public garden

    Credit: Dilanjan
    Facebook: Dilanjan Ratnasabapathy
    Instagram: Dilanjan.r

    Orange County Photography Group
    Title or Location: Huntington Beach, CA

    Credit: Matt Eseltine
    Instagram: Seamastergmt1

    Northumberland Photography Group
    Title or Location: Howick
    The photo was taken on the rocks near Howick in Northumberland. The conditions for sunrise seemed to suit a long exposure to smooth the water out. Northumberland is truly one of the best places to witness sunrises, we are really lucky.
    Credit: Daniel Forbes
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/1WpzPvxFbW/
    Instagram: Forbesy10utd
    Southport Photography Group
    Title or Location: Martin mere WWT Near Southport UK
    It was a bitterly cold morning after a heavy frost, but a nice bright start to the day. The small birds were very active searching for food, by midday the light was just right and this little robin flew right in front of me, then just hovered for a couple of seconds. So pleased with how this picture has turned out. Canon R5mkii and Rf100-500 L. Edited with Photoshop and Light room.
    Credit: Lesley Martin
    Instagram: @le5leymartin

    Thornton Photography Group
    Title or Location: On my back deck in Thornton, CO, USA
    This is one of our backyard friends showing off his natural cuteness on a snowy morning last week. I loved how the snowflakes falling around the squirrel added to the shot. Camera: Canon EOS R8Lens: Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 DF OS HSM@347mmISO 12800 (In auto mode) F141/2000s
    Credit: Ken Weber
    Instagram: @kwofco_

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